Please register your bank account details for payouts by logging into your Peatix account and accessing "Payout Information" by clicking on your account name. For details on how to enter your bank account details, check this help page: How to register your payout information
- Information to enter on the Payout Information page
- Troubleshooting error while registering payout information
Information to enter on the Payout Information page
Name on account
The Name on account that you register for payout must match what is on file with your bank.
Only Zenkaku (double-byte or full-width) kana characters or Zenkaku uppercase alphabets and numbers can be registered in the Name on account section (30 characters or less).
Here are the characters that can be entered:
アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ ハヒフヘホ マミムメモ ヤユヨ ラリルレロ ワヲン
<Kana + Dakuten>
ガギグゲゴ ザジズゼゾ ダヂヅデド バビブベボ ヴ
<Kana + Handakuten>
Double-byte period「.」, Double-byte parenthesis「( )」, Double-byte space「 」, Double-byte sound 「ー」, Double-byte hyphen「‐」, Double-byte minus「-」
You can register abbreviations if the Name on account includes "corporation (kabushiki kaisha, or K.K.)":
- Company name with the "kabushiki kaisha" at the beginning --> カ)
- Company name with the "kabushiki kaisha" at the end -->(カ
- Company name with the "kabushiki kaisha" in the middle -->(カ)
Peatix K.K. --> PEATIX(カ
Bank code and Branch code
Please enter the bank and branch code of your account (single-byte numbers).
If you are not certain of your bank or branch code, you can find the code by looking at your bank book, searching on the bank's website or contacting your bank.
When registering your Japan Post Bank bank account, please confirm the bank code, branch code and account number on their website (Japanese only).
Account type
Please choose your account type from the following three options:
- Regular Savings (普通)
- Checkings (当座)
- Special Savings (貯蓄)
Account number
Please enter your 7-digit account number (single-byte numbers). If your account number is 6 digits long, add a "0 (zero)" in front of your bank code to make it a 7-digit number.
* Please ensure that the correct information is entered to prevent a delay in receiving your payout.
* For events in Japan, a payout fee of 210 JPY will be charged.
Troubleshooting error while registering payout information
If you see the error message "Please enter valid characters for bank account name.", it is most likely because the bank account name you have entered does not satisfy the required format. For the Name on account, please use only Zenkaku (double-byte or full-width) kana characters or Zenkaku uppercase alphabets and numbers. For a full list of characters that can be used, please refer to the "Name on account" section above.
Case 1: Alphabets
- Invalid: JANE (single-byte or half-width)
- Valid: JANE (double-byte or full-width)
Case 2: Alphabets + Marks/Symbols
- Invalid: JANE SMITH (single-byte space in between first name and last name)
- Valid: JANE SMITH (double-byte space in between first name and last name)
Also, please make sure that you did not accidentally add a space before your bank account name.
- Invalid: Unnecessary space in front of the bank account name
- Valid: No unnecessary space in front of the bank account name