You can change the number of available tickets, add new ticket types or delete created ticket types on the Edit Tickets page.

How to access the Edit Tickets page

1. Click on your account name in the upper right corner to access "My Groups / Events".

2. Click the pencil button located under the name of the event for which you wish to edit tickets. The Edit event page opens.

3. Click "4.Tickets".

How to change the number (quantity) of tickets

Change the quantity of available tickets for the ticket you wish to change. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page. 

* If the ticket type was sold out, you will also need to re-open the ticket sales. After you have changed the quantity of available tickets and clicked the "Resume Sale" button, click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

How to add a new ticket type

1. To add a new ticket type. 

2. Enter the ticket name, ticket price (for paid tickets only), and quantity of available tickets, and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

* When you add a new ticket type after the event is published, the ticket will automatically be available for sale after you have created and saved the ticket.

For details on how to create tickets, please refer to How to create a group / an event.

How to delete a ticket type

Click the garbage bin button for the ticket you wish to delete. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

* After a ticket has been sold, it is no longer possible to delete that ticket type.


If you wish to temporarily suspend the ticket sales as opposed to deleting the tickets, check this help page: 

How to temporarily suspend and re-open the ticket sales