When creating an event page for an online event and you have selected Link out or Embed (Vimeo or YouTube) as a streaming method, please note that you can only register 1 streaming URL at a time per event page.


If you wish to distribute a different URL per ticket category, you will need to send the URL directly to the attendees. You can use the message feature to contact attendees, or use the form feature to collect their email address. 


If you will be sending the streaming URL directly to the attendees, we recommend to note the distribution method (e.g., Peatix message or email) and add the date and time you're planning to share the streaming URL in the “Event instructions from the organizer” section of the Watch Stream page. This can be done by entering the information in the event instructions section on the Online page. Please see How to select/set an external streaming platform (e.g., Zoom, YouTube) for an online event for details.


If your event lasts several days (e.g., a multi-day course), you can first register the streaming URL for the first day, and after the first day has finished, update the streaming URL to the URL for the second day, etc.