Before connecting Peatix Live with streaming software, you will first need to create and publish a Peatix Live event page by following the steps described on this help page: How to create a Peatix Live event.

1. Access the Broadcast page for your Peatix Live event.

2. Enter the server URL and stream key displayed on the Broadcast page into the streaming software you are going to use. By clicking “Copy” on the far right, you will be able to copy each item and paste it into the respective field on your streaming software. 

* The stream key is hidden. To see it, click the “Show” button. Please keep the stream key private, as anyone with the key will be able to broadcast to this event.

For the latest information on OBS Studio and StreamYard, please check the official website for each software:

To start broadcasting after connecting Peatix Live with your streaming software, check this help page: How to livestream using Peatix Live ("Conduct test runs before going live").