For details on the revised Specified Commercial Transactions Law (the “Law”), please refer to the Consumer Affairs Agency webpage:
What is the Specified Commercial Transactions Law?
Who will be affected
Those who fall under the category of “the seller” or “the party engaged in the business of providing the services” (collectively “Service Provider”) as defined by the Law will be requested to take appropriate actions.
1. Prepare a webpage that contains the information provided under the Law (the “Information”)
If you fall under the category of the Service Provider, we would like to ask you to prepare a webpage that contains the Information. If you do not own a webpage, we would like to ask you to list the necessary information on your Peatix group page and use the page as a webpage that contains the Information.
For how to edit your Peatix group page, please see How to edit a group.
2. Provide the URL of a webpage that contains the Information on your Peatix event page
Event organizers who published an event page before June 1, 2022, and have an event page with tickets on sale as of June 1, 2022:
We would like to ask you to provide the URL of a webpage that contains the Information on your event page. To provide the URL, please access the Edit Tickets page. For details, refer to this help page: Can I edit my event after publishing? (“Tickets Settings”)
All other event organizers:
We would like to ask you to provide the URL of a webpage that contains the Information the next time you create an event page (on the Tickets page).
Advanced Settings on the Edit Tickets page
The URL entry field will be displayed when the checkbox is ticked. If no URL is entered, ticket buyers will not be able to access the URL of a webpage that contains the Information. You can tick/untick the checkbox and/or add/edit the URL entry field even after the event is published. (You can tick/untick the checkbox and/or add/edit the URL entry field until 24 hours after the event has finished.)
* If you are creating a subscription plan instead of an event, you may include the Information under the Terms of Service section.
Unfortunately, we are not in a position to respond to inquiries related to the interpretation and application of the Law and will thus be unable to provide answers to questions such as:
- Do I fall under the category of the Service Provider? In other words, will the revised Law apply to me?
- What is the Information specifically? What information will I need to provide?
Please refer to the Consumer Affairs Agency web pages below for details:
What is the Specified Commercial Transactions Law?
For inquiries regarding the Specified Commercial Transactions Law
If your event is set to be hosted outside of Japan, you will not be able to provide the URL of a webpage that contains the Information (i.e., the URL entry field will not show up). Please reach out to us if you need to provide the URL.