It is possible to download a list of attendees in a CSV file.
The email addresses of the attendees are not included in the CSV file. If you want to collect the email addresses of attendees, please set a form questionnaire for your event. For more details, check this help page: How to use a form to collect information from attendees.
All form data will be automatically deleted 30 days after the event has ended. If you need a copy of your event's form data, please download the attendee list before the data deletion date.
How to download the attendee list
1. Click on your account name in the upper right corner to access [My Groups / Events].
2. Under "Groups" ("Organizing"), click either [Open] or [Closed] depending on the status of the event you would like to download the attendee list for.
3. Click the title of the event you wish to download the list for.
4. Click [Attendees].
5. On the Attendees page, click [Attendee List CSV]. Open the downloaded list in Excel or another application.
The CSV file includes:
Sales ID, User ID, Attendee name, Account name, Order date, Ticket name, Ticket quantity, Ticket ID, Status and Used discount code.
Attendees can check their User ID in their account settings. For more details, please refer to Where can I find my user ID?
After an order is completed, the ticket status will be "Attending". If the ticket buyer uses our transfer feature to send a ticket to a friend, the ticket status will become "Invited" until the friend has claimed the ticket to their own account.
After the event, the status will become "Checked in" (for all attendees who are checked in on Peatix) or "Skipped" (for all attendees who did not attend or were not checked in).
If you have used a form to collect information from attendees, information entered by the attendees will also be included in the CSV file.
* Orders that have been cancelled are not included in the CSV file.
* For events in Japan: Orders where convenient store/ATM payment has expired are not included in the CSV file.