※ This feature is currently not available.
If you foresee demand for your event that is much larger than your supply of tickets, or if you want to select your event attendees based on information registered by the potential attendees, you can use our selection feature. You can setup a questionnaire form that potential attendees need to fill in to apply for the event. Based on the answers of the applicants you can make a selection who will be able to order a ticket for your event.
How to use the selection feature
1) Applying to use the selection feature
Please contact us at least 3 business days before you wish to publish your event. When we have set up the selection feature to your event, you can publish your event page and start the application for your event. After you have published the event page, it is not possible to make changes to the application deadline, purchase deadline (for selected applicants), the tickets, or the questionnaire form.
2) Application period
After you have published the event page, users can start applying for your event. Applicants will to log into their Peatix account, or create a new Peatix account to enter the selection for the event.
Buyer will not be able to edit their application after they have entered their application. Each user will only be able to enter once.
3) Application list
The application list will be sent to your registered email address 1 hour after the application period has ended. The application list will be sent as a CSV-file and will include the information the applicants entered into the form.
4) Selection
From the applicants list, you can select who can order tickets for your event.
After you have finished the selection, please send the file with the selection results back to Peatix. At the latest, you will need to send us the application results the day before the notification of the selection results.
5) Results
Peatix will send out the results to the applicants.
6) Order
Selected applicants will have received a unique order URL in their result email. Through this URL, the selected applicants can order their tickets. The payment for paid tickets will be made when the applicants order their tickets. For events with free tickets, the payment steps will be skipped, but the selected applicants will need to order their tickets through their unique URL.
7) Sales details
You will receive a CSV-file with the sales details after the ticket sales cutoff has ended.
If you want, you can hold a second selection round to select who can order the remaining tickets (for extra fee).
Fee & applying to use the feature
If you are interested in using the selection feature for your event, please contact us to inquire about the fee for the country of your event.
It takes a few business days to set up the selection feature for your event, so please contact us at least 3 business days before you wish to publish your event page.
When applying to use the feature, please let us know the following details:
- Name of the event & event page URL:
- When you wish to publish the event page (start the attendee application period):
- Application deadline:
(The application list will be sent to your registered email address approximately 1 hour after the application deadline) - Notification of selection result to applicants (by Peatix):
(Business days only. You will need to send us the application results the day before the notification of the selection results) - Order deadline for selected applications:
- Event date: