By setting your event type as "Online Event" when creating an event page, the Online page will be enabled. 

The information you have entered on the Online page including streaming URL and event instructions will be shared with your attendees on the Watch Stream page. The attendees will be able to access the Watch Stream page after ordering a ticket.

* For streaming settings on Peatix Live, please refer to "How to create a Peatix Live event".

Streaming methods and URLs


You can select from two streaming methods: Link out (an URL to any streaming platform) or Embed (available for Vimeo and YouTube). 


By entering your streaming URL on the Online page, attendees will be able to attend the event via the Watch Stream page. How they will be able to attend depends on the streaming method. Please see the descriptions below for details.

In case you have entered the streaming URL of a pre-recorded video, it may be possible for attendees to watch the video by accessing the Watch Stream page before the event start date/time. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you first leave the streaming URL section blank and later fill it in once you are ready to show the video to the attendees.

If you have not created the streaming URL when publishing the event page or you prefer not to share it with the attendees just yet, you can add the URL later through the Edit event page. For details, refer to this help page: Can I register / change the streaming URL after publishing my event?

Link out (Any streaming platform)

If you select Link out as your streaming method, the Watch Stream page will display a "Join event" button. You can enable/disable this button by adding/deleting the streaming URL. When the attendees click the "Join event" button, it will direct them to the streaming site to attend your event. 

Embed (Vimeo or YouTube)


If you select Embed (Vimeo or YouTube) and enter your streaming URL, your Vimeo or YouTube livestream and live chat (if available) will be embedded on the Watch Stream page and the attendees will be able to view the video there. 


If no streaming URL is registered (or the streaming URL is deleted), the Watch Stream page will display a deactivated “Join event” button along with a message: “The organizer has not added a streaming URL”.

Event instructions


Your event instructions (up to 2,000 characters) are a mandatory field on the Online page and will be shown under the "Event instructions from the organizer" (previously "Additional notes from the organizer") section on the Watch Stream page. You can share any information about the event, such as the event program, meeting ID and passcode, and software requirements. If you are planning to use several streaming platforms, you can use the event instructions section to list the streaming URL for each platform.

You can edit the event instructions at any time. If you have not created the streaming URL when publishing the event page or you prefer not to share it with the attendees just yet, please let the attendees know when you are planning to add the streaming URL by writing the details (i.e., a specific date and time) in the event instructions beforehand.

If you would like to email the streaming URL and event instructions to the attendees, please indicate the time and date you are planning to send the email in the event instructions.]

For more information regarding the compliance of content streamed for commercial purposes as well as other details, please refer to the Terms of Service of the streaming platform selected.

* For details regarding how to create an online event, refer to this help page: Creating an event page for an online event.

* If your attendees contact you to ask about joining online events, please refer them to this help page: How to join an online event.